Can you tell the difference between real and fake Democrats and Republicans?
You’re about to see 10 statements that people wrote based one of two prompts: “I’m a democrat because…” or “I’m a republican because…”.
We randomly assigned each person to one prompt or the other, so they didn’t get to choose. (We offered them a bonus if their statement sounded convincing.)
That means some of these statements are real — the person is explaining why they belong to their actual political party. Some of these statements are fake — the person is pretending to belong to the opposite political party.
real statements: Democrats claiming to be Democrats, or Republicans claiming to be Republicans.
fake statements: Democrats claiming to be Republicans, or Republicans claiming to be Democrats.
Your job is to judge whether each statement is real or fake.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a democrat because I believe it is my duty to assist with solving the wrongs of the lingering historical injustices of the past. For many years, the Republican party, the party of racism, has been keeping minorities in a marginalized position simply because they may look different. The Republican party is only concerned with money and the continued success of rich males who are white. I am a Democrat because I will continue the fight for equality among women and minorities and not just white males. I am also a democrat as I believe in absolute freedom for women as well as transgender individuals.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
Because I believe in small government and that if you keep the government small things will work out on their own. You just can't keep making the government bigger and bigger because the government is not always effective, but the free market is. Also, that people must be free and have their right to say whatever they like and the ability to own your guns is also a freedom that people ought to have. Democrats want to take away those freedoms, they want to ban people saying certain words and take away guns (and who knows what else after that) and I believe in freedom over all.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
""I am a DEMOCRAT because I believe in equality for all. No one sector should be over run by another. The rich stay rich when they pass laws to protect corporate business instead of taxing them when they have made extra. Smaller business are the ones who are hurting when they pass new laws and pass taxes exemptions for only certain company's. I believe if a certain income is made by a business, then all should be required to pay a the same amount in deduction from earnings. Corporations like Walmart have the money yet get more exemptions on taxes and deductions than your local flea market family store..Its just not fair over all.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a Republican. I believe in small government and low taxes. I believe in capitalism unfettered by unnecessary government regulations. I believe everyone can and should make their own way in life. If someone is not able to work they should be helped at the local community level through churches and other organizations, not by the government. I believe in traditional values and traditional families. I believe the Constitution was ordained by God and that the United States is an exceptional country and should be held up as standard for the rest of the world. I believe every life is precious and that life begins at the moment of conception. I believe in the real America.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a democrat because I feel strongly that their are many injustices in America today. The party reflects my ideals towards the environment and the groups of people that have been suppressed and used to create wealth for the one percent of the population that does not care about the rest of us who struggle from paycheck to paycheck. I also believe that the rights of the people should be protected from unjust laws and their freedom to make their own choices without being discriminated against. I don't feel that I could rightfully vote any other way and be able to sleep at night.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a republican because government is supposed to look out for the safety and well-being of its citizens. Allowing liberal policies to be enacted encourages people to break the law, take advantage of the welfare system and generally make life worse for decent working people. Allowing third-world immigrants to come into this country comes at a great cost, and not just financially--American citizen's lives are put at risk. If so many of our tax dollars didn't go to feed and house people from Mexico and South America, we could take care of American citizens who are homeless. There are people who are starving here because they are mentally ill and cannot work, while people who simply refuse to work are given free money. This ensures they will continue to vote for the democratic party.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a REPUBLICAN and proud of it. I have a red ball cap although I don't wear it much. I intend to help ""Make America Great Again"". The Republican party, especially the one in office right now is determined to change the old wasteful way of running government and I am 100% behind that. We have had numerous years of waste and indecision and the Republican party is hear to bring that to an end. I can't wait for November 2020 so I can get my red cap and go to the polls and vote Republican (full ticket). I encourage all of you who are reading this to join the Republican party in ""Making America Great Again"".
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a REPUBLICAN because I strongly believe in the second amendment that all people should have the right to bear arms. I am a REPUBLICAN because I believe in PRO LIFE and that all human beings have a fair and fighting chance at life. I am against aborting babies and the murdering of innocent lives who do not even have a voice or choice yet. I am a REPUBLICAN because I believe in investing in our military capabilities and improving our technologies to keep ahead of our enemies who wish to do us harm. This is very important being a REPUBLICAN.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a DEMOCRAT because their values and ideas are usually consistent with my own. For example, a democrats position on policies, such as healthcare, pro-life/pro-choice, gun control, the environment, and the wealth distribution, will usually align with my own. I believe that healthcare should be universal and no one should fear going bankrupt and losing everything because of medical issues. I believe a woman should have a choice when it comes to abortion. I believe in stricter gun control laws. I believe that more should be done to protect the environment. I believe that more should be done to address the wealth gap in this country.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a Republican because I care more than most about where this country is going. I like many others, fully support a return to older more traditional values. I think we all know that we need to go back to a time when you could feel secure in your own home, a time when people knew their neighbors, and it was safe to let your kids play unsupervised in the neighborhoods. I am proud to be a Republican because I believe that my party understands the importance of protecting both the sanctity of marriage and the lives of the unborn.
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