Can you tell the difference between real and fake Democrats and Republicans?
You’re about to see 10 statements that people wrote based one of two prompts: “I’m a democrat because…” or “I’m a republican because…”.
We randomly assigned each person to one prompt or the other, so they didn’t get to choose. (We offered them a bonus if their statement sounded convincing.)
That means some of these statements are real — the person is explaining why they belong to their actual political party. Some of these statements are fake — the person is pretending to belong to the opposite political party.
real statements: Democrats claiming to be Democrats, or Republicans claiming to be Republicans.
fake statements: Democrats claiming to be Republicans, or Republicans claiming to be Democrats.
Your job is to judge whether each statement is real or fake.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a republican because I feel that a bigger government is not the solution for most problems. It is the right of all people to be able to live their lives how they feel necessary without government interference whenever possible. I should be able to make decisions for myself and about how to spend my money. I want to make sure my rights as an individual are protected. In order to protect the liberty of the people and their best interests, we must ensure our economy remains a competitive free market. This type of economy allows us to remain competitive with other countries. Restrictions on business encourage companies to move over seas where there is less legislation and lower taxes. Republican leaders help keep jobs in America.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because I care about other people and not just myself at the end of the day. I always have a large amount of empathy for others and their suffering. This is one of the fundamental differences between Democrats and Republicans. Although I may not agree with everything that everyone chooses to do or how they live their lifestyle, I am a Democrat because I believe that NO MATTER WHAT everyone regardless of race, gender identification, sexual orientation or religion should be treated with the same respect and have the same access to human rights as every other person. I believe that's this country is not just about ""freedom"" but it's also about peace and harmony between a variety of different types of people. If that means that certain freedoms such as ""gun rights"" need to be taken away in order to promote peace and demote violence than so be it. I'm a democrat because I'm not going to let the fact that I want to carry a gun with me and that I want to be rich and have all the resources keep me from looking out for other people at the end of the day. I'm a Democrat because I'm willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of the general public.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
As a democrat I believe in equality for all Americans. Unity and equal opportunity for all Americans despite race,religion,gender, or sexual preference. As America is the world's strongest force, I believe we can offer opportunity to all who seek it. I believe we can achieve an America with a universal health care system that leaves no one without health coverage for themselves and their families. Our country was built by immigrants and therefore should continue to be an opportunity for those who seek to become a United States citizen. I also believe the children of immigrants should be given the opportunity for a better life.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because I believe we should help our fellow man. We need to give back to others and help each other out as if they were family. We need to get rid of racial bias by making sure things that someone could get offended by are censored. We do not need our kids to grow up thinking that we can hurt each other with words and actions no matter how minor. We want our children and future generations to be a part of something good, and equal and showing that everyone is a winner no matter how you played the game. Everyone should be entitled to the same kind of healthcare and we should take care of everyone. Immigrants should be allowed to prosper in our country and make a better life for themselves. Everyone deserves the chance to experience the American life.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
Democrats believe in things humans really need. Not about just what they want. We believe in climate change. We know the Earth is dying, and we accept it. We know we need to do something to promote change. The other thing that is super major is Democrats think healthcare is a RIGHT. It needs to be a thing in everyone's life. Otherwise, it just is not humane. We also believe in public education and it should be available to EVERYONE. Not just those with enough money. We believe in the things that are rights, or at least should be rights, to every human.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a REPUBLICAN because I value preservation of a system that will perpetuate a lasting heritage for my children. The system will create opportunities for them to have every advantage in their careers and chosen professions. Their access to education will be based on our family traditions and values with barriers established to keep any dilution of opportunity at an area that others can not reach. The thought of creating a system that assures my family continued opportunity without sharing the same advantages to other groups of society. It is important for me to maintain this for my children and the Republican Party offers me and future generations the best chance.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because I believe in fairness and opportunity for everyone. Too much of our nation's wealth has gone to a tiny group of billionaires that has not given back in proportion to what they have received. Meanwhile, many Americans struggle in poverty with limited opportunities to escape. We should be working to eliminate barriers such as discrimination and poverty that prevent each and every member of society from achieving their best. I believe that a strong America is one where everyone has access to safe and affordable communities with housing, food/water, healthcare, and opportunities to reach their highest potential.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a Republican because the party supports the US Constitution and the rule of law. The Amendments to the Constitution state the rights of all Americans. The Republican party supports the rights of free speech, religious freedom and gun ownership. Democrats label any speech they don't approve of as ""hate speech"" to try and frighten people from sharing their opinions. The Republican party supports freedom of religion for all faiths and beliefs. The Democratic party regularly acts to have crosses removed and prevent Christmas nativity scenes from being displayed. Lastly, Republicans support the Second Amendment of gun ownership. Democrats continue to have laws proposed that limit this right and in some cases have convinced cities and states to actively ban gun ownership.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a Republican because Republicans, in general, support unborn children. Republicans also do not support large numbers of government funded programs that cause people to avoid working because they loose their government money if they earn too much money by working. In general, Republicans have more conservative family values, and so do I. Republicans are not in favor of big government and lots of taxes. They support the democratic system and free market economics. I do not agree with everything that republican officials say or do, but I agree with more of the republican stance that I do the democratic.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a democrat because I believe in the rights of humankind. There should not be restrictions on social issues and welfare just because of your creed, gender, religion, nationality, and/or belief structure. I am a minority women who is very concerned about the current status of our country today, and the amount of restrictions that the government is trying to impose on women's rights. My body, my choice, and democrats share that belief with me. I also believe that in the United States of America, everyone should be entitled to a certain standard of life, including liveable income, healthcare, social justice, etc. It is the government's job to assist with that.
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