Can you tell the difference between real and fake Democrats and Republicans?
You’re about to see 10 statements that people wrote based one of two prompts: “I’m a democrat because…” or “I’m a republican because…”.
We randomly assigned each person to one prompt or the other, so they didn’t get to choose. (We offered them a bonus if their statement sounded convincing.)
That means some of these statements are real — the person is explaining why they belong to their actual political party. Some of these statements are fake — the person is pretending to belong to the opposite political party.
real statements: Democrats claiming to be Democrats, or Republicans claiming to be Republicans.
fake statements: Democrats claiming to be Republicans, or Republicans claiming to be Democrats.
Your job is to judge whether each statement is real or fake.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because the Democratic party stands for many of the same things that I believe in strongly. I believe strongly that we as a country should be taking care of each other. We should welcome in those who need the prosperity that this country offers with open arms. It is important to me that all people should have an equal chance to live a happy life without worry about crushing student loans or not being able to get the medical care that they need. America needs to do better and I think the Democratic party is going in the right direction.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a republican because the alternative is too scary. I firmly believe life starts at conception and there is ample science supporting this. But apparently it is more important for a woman to have free will as simply a vessel than it is to murder a life. The call for late term abortions is terrifying. I have to side with the party that values life. Additionally, socialism is reprehensible and flawed to the core. I grew up dirt poor, but my parents had dignity and strength and built a career for themselves. And I did the same. I worked hard to rise above what my parents could afford and embraced the foundations of America that if you work hard, you can go as high as you want to. Socialism is an idea of entitlement with no work. With no challenge. With no goal to better yourself. It is dependency, apathy and entitlement. I could never support a party that endorses that.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a proud Republican because I believe our nation needs to take a step back, and honor those principles that this nation was originally founded with. I grew up on a ranch, and have seen what happens to our economy when we have liberal politicians voted in. I firmly believe in the sanctity of marriage, in the right to bear arms, and that we need more religion in this country. I want less government intrusion in my business, and reign in the government spending before we're all poor. I am a republican because this country has gotten out of hand, and it is time to put it back on track.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a Republican because I believe in old-fashioned family values and always being among the righteous. When we follow the liberal way, it sets us on a dangerous path. First, it starts with gun control. Then, it's the right to raise my children the way I see fit. What's to stop them from coming up with more cockamamie methods of control and harming my freedom? The Republican Party backs my views as an American. They stand for what is right, just and moral. I back them because they are willing to fight for me, my values and my right to be me.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because I believe in basic human rights. I can understand that humans are made up of different races and genders, but deep down I think what's most important is that we are all humans. The Democratic party represents my feelings that abortion should be legal in the United States, gay couples should be allowed to marry each other, and children should be kept with their parents even if they are not United States. I don't believe that men are inherently superior to women; I believe in equal pay for equal work. I don't like the way Trump has been running the country. I think he stands for hate and I do not.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a democrat because the leaders in the Democratic party seem to stand behind and support the same issues as myself. I was completely behind a Democrat in the last election because they spoke of free healthcare for everyone. I am a single parent who cannot afford insurance for my family. We've seen it work in other countries, the U.S. should be a leader and example in free healthcare. One of the other things this candidate proposed was free college education. This seems absurd to most, but I feel it is very doable, by the right leaders, Democratic leaders.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I believe the strength of our great nation comes from people as individuals. I believe in working hard to get to where you want in life. The american dream has always been work hard and you will thrive. I believe people should help each other, but not intervine in someone else's life. I believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability. I believe the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
We as Republican are liking to save our country from the rest of the world that been walking over us for years. It time that we take back this country and control who has some thing to say about it and how it will be run. Stop sending jobs over sea, stop letting others into the country and start supporting the company in America. Give the company the law to rule as the see so they can better our country and stop giving out hand out to every one under the sun and make them work for it so they care for them self
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because I can relate to the beliefs of the democratic party. One of the main things is that I think that people with higher incomes should be taxed accordingly. There are millions of Americans suffering in low wages and poverty and the few that have been handed the ""golden goose"" so to speak should do their part to help the country and contribute to wellfare programs and government aid. I also believe that the country should be united in common goals and everyone should have equal chances rather than the every man for himself stance that the Republicans take. We're all Americans and we're in this together.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a republican because I believe that people should take responsibility for their own circumstances and not depend on the government to support them. I agree that we should build a wall between the US and Mexico to stop illegal immigration. I also think that people have the right to own guns and provide protection for their family and homes. I think we need to put America first and not worry about people in other countries before our own people. I am against Obama Care and think that the system needs to be repealed. In my opinion all the Affordable Care Act has done is raise the cost of healthcare and forced those that cannot afford it to either purchase health insurance they can't afford or pay a fine for something that should be their own choice and not dictated by the government.
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