Can you tell the difference between real and fake Democrats and Republicans?
You’re about to see 10 statements that people wrote based one of two prompts: “I’m a democrat because…” or “I’m a republican because…”.
We randomly assigned each person to one prompt or the other, so they didn’t get to choose. (We offered them a bonus if their statement sounded convincing.)
That means some of these statements are real — the person is explaining why they belong to their actual political party. Some of these statements are fake — the person is pretending to belong to the opposite political party.
real statements: Democrats claiming to be Democrats, or Republicans claiming to be Republicans.
fake statements: Democrats claiming to be Republicans, or Republicans claiming to be Democrats.
Your job is to judge whether each statement is real or fake.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because I support combating climate change among other environmental issues. We only have one Earth and a finite amount of resources and we need to take better care of our planet. I strongly support protecting a woman's right to safe and legal abortion. Our body, our choice. It shouldn't even be an issue that we have to fight for in 2019. Every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured. I believe that reproductive health is core to everyone's health and wellbeing, not just women's because it affects everyone. I support
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
i am a republican because i like republicans hold this country and it's values and morals and constitution dear . and attempt to vote and preserve these value and protect the God given right that this country and it's constitution affords. this country is a republic and has never been a democracy and therefore it is not right to call ones self a democrat republicans hold conservation values and care about God, and this country and the military and the flag.. and republicans care about upholding the peoples rights and care bout representing the american people and what they want
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I agree much more with the policies of republicans. The Democratic party from what I can tell consists of insane people who want to treat illegals better than tax paying Americans and pass ridiculous laws that make no sense. Although I don't like thinking about or getting involved with politics, when I see or here the garbage that comes out of the mouths of Democrats and liberals, I am so often disgusted that I cannot in good conscience support them in any way. Republicans at least seem sane and don't need blankets and coco to deal the ""trauma"" of their candidate losing an election.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because my beliefs align with the beliefs of my fellow democrats on a lot of subjects. I believe in a fair and just economy. I believe in affirmative action. I believe in equal pay for women. I believe in a woman's right to choose what happens with her body in every situation. I believe that the direction that the country is going currently is bad for everyone and mostly for any minority- whether that minority is gender, race or religion based. I want a unified nation and I think we are at a crucial turning point where we need to elect leaders who have a better inclusive view.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because I believe in abortion. I think that people should do whatever they want with their own body. I am a democrat because I think that there should be affordable healthcare for everyone and people should pay for people who dont want to work. I am a democrat because I believe the wealthy should have to pay taxes to everyone else that doesnt want to work. I believe that hard working people should give up their own money to everyone else. I am a demcorat because of what i beliebe in and no one can tell me otherwise
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
I am a Republican because, I believe that the proper function of government is to do for the people those things that have to be done, but cannot be done or cannot be done as well, by individuals, and that the most effective government is government closest to the people. I believe that good money management should be our goal as a nation. I believe that Americans value and should preserve their feeling of national strength and pride, and at the same time share with people everywhere a desire for peace and freedom and the extension of human rights throughout the world. Finally, I believe that the Republican party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Republican because…”
the Republicans are usually viewed as conservative. I am a huge supporter of the conservative stance of Republicans so it is one of the reasons why I am a Republican. Another reason why I am a Republican is because of the values they hold. Most of the values the Republican holds are for the people of the United States and not the government. The Republicans are huge supporters of people governing the country and not the government making all the decisions. Another reason why I'm a Republican is because most good Presidents came out of the Republican Party unlike the Democratic Party.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a Democrat because I value all people. Democrats try to make sure every person in America is seen as worthy. We try to take care of those less fortunate and don't favor the upper class. We also value personal choice and think every person should have the right to say what is done to their own bodies. We also favor allowing immigrants to have a pathway to citizenship. I think it is too difficult for those wanting to come to America to be able to do so legally. We need to make sure these individuals have a safe and affordable way to become U.S. citizens.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a democrat because I believe in equality in this country. I want fair pay for woman in the work place. I want equal opportunities for minorities. I want access to health care for all people. I want a strong government that takes care of its people. I want a president who taxes the rich so we can help the poor. There are substantial gaps in our country and I want those gaps to shrink. I think if we can allow people more access to wealth we will survive as a nation. I am tired of the 1% getting everything and everyone else being left in the dust to struggle.
The following statement was written based on the prompt: “I’m a Democrat because…”
I am a democrat first and foremost because the views of the republicans are so horrendous right now. I am for a woman's right to make decisions about her own body, regardless of the reasons, and no one should have any say in it. I am also a democrat because climate change is real and it is one of the most important issues facing humanity right now. If we do not do anything to solve it, all other issues will not matter. I am also a democrat because we must absolutely limit people's access to guns, we must stop school shootings now. I am also a democrat because all people should have access to universal healthcare.
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